Consentful Interface
Strange Figure Detected on Christmas!with Consentful Interface
Design Process
Thinking about consent and the camera filter I made for last assignment, I tried to better inform people about what it would be like to use the camera.

Before going into design, I made a flow model of what my current camera
flow was. It was simple, but I thought it would be more consentful if I
had a preview of the camera and also another function that allowed the
user to "hide" themselves when using the camera.
So for the information page, I added a preview image of my camera so
people could see what they are about to see. I also added instructions
for the users on how and why they could use the slider.
After they enter the camera, the user will still be able to use the
camera without their figure showing up on the screen. However, it's just
hiding the image, not stopping the camera from recording them. So I
added a line in the info stage that it is still being recorded.
From the flow modeling, I realized how unconsentful my camera was. I tried to make my camera filter more consentful by adding interfaces, but I think I could go further, like actually stopping the camera from recording when the slider hits 255 or start the camera after the user reads the information. This assignment was interesting for me, because when I normally finish one project, I don't really think about how this can be improved. FRIES was something new to me, so it was even more interesting to consider this in this stage. I think from now on, I will be more aware of these points when I work on other projects.
Snowing Rain and Sun by monicawen