Exquisite Corpse
Head (Me: Childhood me dressed up as a witch for halloween), Upper Body (Sahiti: Dancing Skeleton), Lower Body (Lawrence: Drew a squid while eating calamari)
Design Process
We first met through Discord and shared our sketches and brief background stories related to the sketches. Then we each got other people's sketches' body parts.
What I found interesting in Sahiti's drawing was that the hand was cut off. Looking at the hand, I decided to use it in my design. I planned to simply sketch out the body, but use the hand as a mouse cursor that changes at different parts of the screen. I designed different cursors -- a hand with skin, a hand with bones, and a star (I didn't know what kind of hand I should design for a squid, so I went with the magical theme).
I first coded out the head part. I used multiple ellipses for the hair
because I thought it was the easier way to give hair motions as if there
was wind blowing.
Then, I sketched the upper body, which is
the skeleton. Since most of the elements were repeated, I used "for" so
I won't have to type in the same code over and over again. I thought
about adding the arm part to the skeleton, but I decided to take it out
because I thought the mouse cursor was the highlgiht for my project.
Then for the lower body. I initially thought of using curveVertex and
strokeWeight to make the tentacles move, but I found out that it was
nearly impossible for me to understand the sample codes I found. I saved
a copy of the code for the future me to understand, and used plain
ellipses to make the tentacles, just like the hair.
Then I used if-else for the mouse cursor. I divided the screen into
three equal sections so the themes would match. After making the cursor,
I added backgrounds to enhance the theme of the project.
It was interesting to learn about personalizing functions. Last week I did use it for decoration, but didn't fully understand why the code was in a different function. Also, it was a great fun to share drawings with the group and try using the sketches to design a project. I honestly still don't understand sin and cos (I learned it in High School but now I forgot about it). My next goal is to now understand how sin and cos is used.
Star Example Star | p5.js from p5.js reference website